community stories Archives - Moringa School Nurturing Africa's Tech Talent Thu, 03 Aug 2023 06:22:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 community stories Archives - Moringa School 32 32 Tips on How to Make The Most of An Online Learning Experience in Tech Mon, 10 Jul 2023 08:47:49 +0000 E-learning has become increasingly popular in the field of tech, offering flexible and accessible education options. However, it comes with it's challenges, herein is an article that breaks down tips scientifically proven to aid Trainers/teachers and students to maximize online learning. Enjoy!

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If you are a tech student opting for a full e-learning experience or a hybrid model of learning, you may face specific stressors that you can learn to combat through a proactive approach. A 2021 study published in the journal, Annals of Medicine, has found that the sudden, vertiginous rise in the popularity of e-learning brought about definitive challenges that include a lack of readiness for the change. Students who are accustomed to face-to-face lessons experience stress and anxiety, though the study also found that the level of student satisfaction with the e-learning model very much depends on the quality of the course they are studying.

The Technical Mentor <> Student Relationship

If you have already been a student at Moringa School and you have pursued studies in areas like Software Engineering, Data Science, or DevOps Engineering, you may have enjoyed interacting with your teachers/trainers and/or tutors. Research has shown that in conventional campus-based learning, relationships between trainer and learner are profound and lively, often resulting in high motivation for students. Additionally, trainers can observe students’ mental states. When they perceive stress or anxiety in the classroom, they can switch strategies to enhance the learning process. Moreover, science has established that body language plays an important role in communication. These are challenges that trainers need to take into account and overcome through clarity of purpose, good communication, and a set of useful online resources students can access when required.

The Boom in E-Learning Across the Globe

Africa is not the only continent to be riding the e-learning wave. The overall global e-learning market is expected to reach a worth of $350 billion by 2025 and this modality is popular among full-time students as well as companies. In fact, many students are taking advantage of current times to work as e-teachers or tutors, attracted by the ideas of borderless research, the ability to work from anywhere, and the compatibility of this job with their own studies.  Startup costs for online teachers are low, and many qualified postgraduate students sign up with established schools to share their knowledge while advancing in their own specialties. 

The Role of Teachers In Creating an Optimal Learning Experience

The Annals of Medicine study indicated that in order to enjoy a fulfilling experience, students must be ready for e-learning, taking specific steps, so they are confident and able to undertake all tasks efficiently and within established deadlines. Measures can be taken by both teachers and the students themselves, to optimize learning and keep motivation and effort high. Teachers should begin by taking cultural considerations into account. For instance, some cultures are concerned with others’ opinions and their relationship with team members, fearing “loss of face.” Others may value occasional face-to-face encounters as a way to strengthen bonds and enable them to feel like they are part of a supportive, collaborative community. Teachers can also lower stress by making the requirements of online tasks (especially collaborative tasks) very clear. If all students know their goals, roles, and the way they need to go about collaborative projects, they can confidently ensure they stay on track.

How Can Students Reduce Their Own Stress Levels?

Problems with equipment and a lack of technical skills can interfere with learning and increase stress levels. Students who opt for a fully online learning model should therefore take the time to practice with the technology they will be using in class. They should have the option of posing course tech-specific questions to their teachers or tutors. Indeed, an entire session of using pertinent technology—one in which questions are encouraged and answered with patience—can ensure that students are confident with the technology they need to master for the rest of their course.

Online learning is a practical, affordable solution for millions of students across the globe. As is the case with on-campus learning, however, e-learning can have specific stressors, including a lack of technological confidence on behalf of students and teachers. Time should be taken to introduce both teachers and students to relevant technology, so that more priority can be placed on observing signs of stress, ensuring open body language is used, and creating opportunities for occasional face-to-face meetups.

This is a guest post article written by Jackie. If you are a technical writer and interested in publishing your articles with Moringa email our team on for collaborations.

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From an Extensive Career in Finance to Data Science – Stephen Gathai’s story Thu, 22 Jun 2023 12:01:01 +0000 The digital and data revolution provides massive opportunities for finance functions and accounting professionals as you will understand in Stephen's story. Enjoy the read!

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As The Economist aptly put it in 2017, the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data. Technology advances have made it much easier to amass data in huge quantities. Capitalizing on this data helps to create value and growth, which is why organizations are investing in people and technological capabilities to extract greater value from data. The digital and data revolution provides massive opportunities for finance functions and accounting professionals as you will understand in Stephen’s story.

Tell us about yourself.

I am Stephen Gathai, a finance professional with over 10 years of experience. I’m also a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA-K) and Certified Investment and Financial Analyst (CIFA), currently working in audit. At Moringa, I am a Data Science Part-time student and we’re in Phase 2, tackling statistics.

You work in audit and have a background in finance. What made you decide to study Data Science?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the contribution of data scientists plays a pivotal role in driving innovations and success. Currently, auditing has shifted from being qualitative to quantitative, where the use of data is vast. I work in the manufacturing industry where there is a lot of data to sift through. All the data is to be audited and presented with well-backed support. That gave me the drive to study Data Science since before, I could use Excel to conduct my analysis which is time-consuming and inefficient. Learning science-based tools as I am in Data Science enables me to undertake my work with efficiency. With the skills I am gaining, I can comfortably do data elimination, increase my sample sizes and work with huge sets of data with ease.

I believe that you did research before settling on Moringa for the Data Science program. So what made you choose Moringa over other institutions?

I was certain that I wanted to pursue Data Science because of how it would benefit my career. I searched online and checked professional social networking sites such as Linkedin and what intrigued me was that Moringa stood out. The Data Science professionals that I follow on Linkedin have a background in Moringa hence my interest. I reached out to them and they gave me the confidence that joining Moringa would be a stepping stone for my career. This far, I believe that I made the right decision.

Have you worked on any project now that you are in phase 2? If you have, what has been the highlight of the project?

I have, in phases 0 and 1, I learned Data Engineering, Data Visualization with Python – things I did not know. I have been able to apply the knowledge learned at work and the advantage I have is that we are not limited to the tools we can use. In matters of data at work, I would previously liaise with our IT team which would take time to query and analyze data, and would sometimes be manipulated. I recently learned SQL that has enabled me to enjoy aspects of my work that involve querying data to figure out what it means, and talking to people way up in the organization and telling them what the data says the smart decisions are.

I’m thrilled that I can also do Data Visualization which can be understood by people with non-technical backgrounds. I am eager to learn more about data collection, data mining, and forecasting – skills that will come in handy at work.

What are some career aspirations you have once you graduate?

Allow me to paint a picture of our class. We are 84 and as the class representative, I interact with most students. Throughout our group discussions, the classmates that work in statistics pose real-life questions that require us to apply the knowledge learned in class. We thrive on a collaborative spirit when we work together to solve complex problems as we apply the knowledge we have gained to real-life situations. Doing this has broadened my view on the career choices I can make with my skills. I’m halfway into the course in Phase 2, and I believe that by the time I’m in Phase 5, I will be an exceptional Data Scientist.

Once I graduate, I will consider venturing into data-driven audit consultancy. Career options abound.

How would you describe your learning experience at Moringa?

Having gone through 8-4-4 and now as a professional, I realize that a lot of knowledge taught to us back then is irrelevant and was to be utilized in passing exams – as the content lacked a practical aspect. The organization of classes at Moringa is impressive. There are weekly lectures, stand-ups, streamlined communication channels between the Technical Mentors (TMs) and students through Slack, and peer breakout sessions where we have our blockers solved.

Classes start with the TMs inquiring how people are fairing and depending on the responses, they assess how best to conduct the class. There are also feedback sessions where there the TMs incorporate the feedback received into their teaching and classroom interaction with the students. 

Knowing that we are listened to is motivating and gives me the oomph to power through. I’m a family man who is also a working professional, so despite the challenging course, I am determined to excel in my studies because I know that the knowledge I’m learning is equipping me into a well-rounded finance and data science professional. 

What would you tell someone who would like to pursue a career in Data Science?

I would tell them to first enroll at Moringa and secondly, we are in the 21st century and data has become the lifeblood of the digital age. Businesses across industries require people with data analytics skills who are prepared to challenge norms An undersold aspect of this field is just how versatile the skills are. Even though a lot of people are gunning for “data scientist” jobs, there are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs right now seeking professionals with data literacy as part of their repertoire. For anyone interested in Data Science, I’d say definitely go for it.

How can people reach you for mentorship or career guidance?

I’m open to mentorship, find me on LinkedIn as Stephen Gathai or send me an email via I will be happy to connect and offer my guidance.

Interested in upskilling or starting your career in Data Science? Apply now for our next intakes below.

Data Science Full-time classes – 

Data Science Part-time classes – 

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First Software Engineering Role at a Company in Dubai & Social Impact Projects – Stella Waithera’s Journey Mon, 12 Jun 2023 12:37:29 +0000 Stella Waithera is a multi-faceted and multi-talented woman. At just 29 years old, she is a Software Developer, Digital Skills Instructor and Philanthropist at an NGO, Africa Tech Girl, where she imparts programming skills to children and teenagers. Read more on her story.

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As technology accelerates, its ability to uplift many young people and society, in general, grows daily. Software Engineering can be the key to unlocking the potential of our technological age for personal development and the social good. How you may ask? Meet Stella Waithera – in today’s blog post she shares her journey from learning how to code, working on world-class projects, and her passion for social impact, and how she leverages her skills to solve problems facing our continent today. Enjoy the read!

Name – Stella Waithera

Job Title – Founder and digital skills trainer 

Company – AfricanTechGirl Organization 

Tell us about yourself. 

I’m a multi-faceted woman in tech I say this because I double up as a Software Developer, Digital Skills Instructor, and Philanthropist. I’m 29 years old and I live in Kiambu, Nairobi Kenya. For a living, I work as the Founder and digital skills trainer at AfricanTechGirl Org – where we impart programming skills to children and teenagers. I also work as a consultant software developer at Kayana Create.

What do you do at your place of work?

    At AfricanTechGirl I create systems and curricula that empower and educate the African child with skills in STEM from the age of 7 -17  years. At Kayana I build software solutions that serve business needs.

    What made you consider a Software Engineering Course at Moringa?

    It was a combination of initiatives I had already started on my own as well as a recommendation from a friend. Before joining Moringa I was pursuing a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at JKUAT and I had done some online courses in programming by Andela. A good friend who was a student at that time in Moringa urged me to consider applying as a MasterCard Scholarship participant in Moringa school like she had and that was my introduction to Software Engineering and Moringa school. 

    How was your experience at Moringa? 

    It was awesome. It changed my life for the better in areas such as how I manage my time, my mentality, how I handle challenges, how I learn, how I ask for support, and most importantly, how I practice grit.

    How was the learning model from what you had been exposed to?

    It was revolutionary and practical which I appreciated. I also learned how to learn. Since then I have upskilled in various skills successfully and effectively. I am actually about to start my Masters soon and that learning model played a major role in getting me here.

    How has your career trajectory been since you completed your training? 

    I started my career two months after I joined Moringa. Because of the Mastercard Scholarship, I was able to focus on learning and it was at a time when schools were on lockdown due to Covid-19. Moringa had swiftly incorporated remote learning and as I was upskilling, many students across the country lacked such an opportunity.  I then thought of how I could give back to the community and that’s when I started training programming for individuals aged 7 – 17 years online. I was able to successfully train 50 kids from different parts of Africa such as Ghana, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe in the first open call. With that, AfricanTechGirl came into being. In my Software Engineering journey, I have worked with a global team in Dubai and now I’m working in Kenya as a developer at Kayana Create. My next goal is to learn and incorporate Data Science. In conclusion, my career trajectory has been growing in different tech skills through upskilling and practice.

    How did Moringa help you in getting into your career? 

    Moringa equipped me with skills that were relevant to the industry. For example, we were utilizing Django for the global role in Dubai, a framework I had been exposed to in Moringa. It is in Moringa that I received guidance on how to learn by myself, a skill that came in handy in roles that required me to build solutions in a programming language I had not been previously exposed to such as JavaScript.  For example, I learned ReactJs while on the job. At the moment, I’m learning Data Science, and the ability to do all this is owed to my training Moringa.

    What advice would you give anyone who wants to join or transition to tech? 

    Tech has amazing opportunities that require consistent effort and time to become excellent. It is helpful to find a community and a network of developers you can learn from and grow with since this journey can be isolating. Lastly, find activities that make you feel alive and mentally refreshed since tech uses up a lot of your brainpower.

    Apart from coding, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

    I enjoy nature walks, being around my friends, and spending time with my mother.

    Are you open to tech mentorship? How can one reach you?

    I am open to mentorship. I am currently mentoring several individuals.  One can reach me via email at with regards to AfricanTechGirl email me at 

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    Alumni Hackathon Tackles Challenges Faced in the African FinTech Sector Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:40:44 +0000 In line with Moringa School’s commitment to nurturing African tech talent, the institution partnered with I&M Bank LTD in organizing an exciting hackathon where its alumni participated. A fintech solution developed by one of the alumni teams during the just concluded Sankalp Africa Summit 2022 won a Sh50,000 cash prize courtesy of I&M Bank LTD. […]

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    In line with Moringa School’s commitment to nurturing African tech talent, the institution partnered with I&M Bank LTD in organizing an exciting hackathon where its alumni participated.

    A fintech solution developed by one of the alumni teams during the just concluded Sankalp Africa Summit 2022 won a Sh50,000 cash prize courtesy of I&M Bank LTD.

    The Y-Chama platform was declared the winner during a virtual hackathon conducted between March 1 and March 4, 2022.

    Through the Y-Chama App, the group aimed to address a gap in access to financial services and empowerment for the youth of campus-going age. The winning app was designed to provide access to various Chama groups as well as provide helpful personal finance tips.

    Runners up were also selected from three other exciting fintech platforms – Inshwari, Sasa Coin and Farm Tech – all developed by Moringa School alumni.
    Also taking home cash prizes courtesy of I&M Bank were; 1st Runner’s Up, Sasa Coin (Sh30,000) and 2nd Runner’s Up, Farm Tech (Sh20,000). 

    Speaking on the winning presentation during Demo Day on March 3, one of the judges emphasized that a good fintech product manages to serve a customer’s need while making it easy for partners to buy into the platform’s story.

    “You did an amazing job in terms of your presentation, you really understand your customer and their needs. You brought us into your story, we were all able to understand the product and that’s an example of a good product.

    “It’s amazing what you were able to share with us after just three days. One of the judges’ points to look out for is the immense competition in the space. There are a lot of startups and fintech in the space, so what are you going to do to get differentiated? Also, another thing to look out for is how will you build trust with the chamas?” judge Wangari Stewart relayed. 

    Why a hackathon?

    A hackathon is a time-bound competitive event where participants collaborate to build a proof of concept and minimum viable products for a specific pre-defined problem. 

    Under the theme “Innovative & Sustainable Fintech Solutions that will drive the future of Africa”, the four teams had been challenged with the problem statement: “Are there any other smart ways to explore as a way of improving & solving problems around FinTech in Africa? Using emerging technologies in your proposed solution, let’s hear your innovative ideas!”

    The teams were mentored by Francis Kipchumba, Software Engineer at Moringa School, Francis Kipchumba and George Okumu, Front End Web Developer at Moringa School.

    The presentations were judged by Samuel Munyi, Tech Lead at I&M Bank LTD; Grace Mberia, Innovative and Inclusive Finance Pillar Lead at KPMG and Chief Product Officer at Maisha Meds, Wangari Stewart.

    Work with us for your hiring needs

    Moringa maintains a strong and established connection with key industry figures who help in developing our curriculum in line with industry trends and the current demands of the African job market. We aim to ensure learners are best prepared for an ever-evolving industry with the right foundation to find long-term success in their chosen career pathway.

    For partnerships & tech talent hiring needs contact us on email at or call +254-700-297-213.

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